ATLANTA, GA, 10 February 1992 -- Hayes Microcomputer Products, Inc. today announced LANstep Starter Kit and LANstep Mail Gateway Version 1.1 with MHS. Hayes also announced its 1992 plans for LANstep Version 2.0 and a series of add-in products that take advantage of LANstep's technology and provide advanced connectivity solutions on a LANstep network. With LANstep's enhanced capabilities, users can access several networks from a single location; use the home or portable PC as a remote node on the network; connect Macintosh computers to their LANstep network; and transfer electronic mail (E-mail) worldwide to any MHS-compliant system. "When we announced LANstep last year we wanted to reach a market that had not been served -- the small business location which may not have a LAN expert onsite but depends on computers to manage its business. LANstep offered reliable, strong networking capabilities that users learned quickly even if they did not have DOS experience. LANstep was only limited in size and internetworking capabilities," said Hayes President Dennis C. Hayes. "Now we are taking the covers off the underlying technology to show the wider capability of LANstep and to allow our customers to expand their network to any number of workstations or users -- locally or over wide area connections. Users can also interconnect with other networks while maintaining all the LANstep advantages that no other networks can match," he added. LANstep Starter Kit Hayes LANstep Starter Kit provides, in one box, everything a user needs to set up a two-station LANstep network. LANstep Starter Kit includes Hayes LANstep with LANstep Mail for five users; two Hayes EtherMate 8 network interface cards; 25 feet of thin coax cable; two T-connectors; two Ethernet terminators; and user guides that provide complete instructions for setting up and using all the included network hardware and software. Training is not required for this "do-it-yourself" kit. Anyone with basic DOS experience can install LANstep with the Starter Kit just by following the instructions. If any unexpected start-up problems occur, Hayes applications consultants and technical support engineers are available at no charge. LANstep Starter Kit will be available in March for the estimated retail price of US$795 or CA$935. Additional EtherMate 8 cards can also be purchased through Hayes Customer Service in the U.S., Canada, Europe or Asia. LANstep Mail Gateway Version 1.1 with MHS With LANstep Mail Gateway Version 1.1, LANstep Mail can exchange E-mail with any MHS-compliant system, such as Da Vinci E-Mail, on any LAN running over modems or direct asynchronous connections. The product also supports Hayes ESP. Adding one of many third party MHS gateway products allows LANstep Mail to communicate with Macintosh mail systems, cc:Mail, PROFS, VAXMail--even X.400. LANstep Mail Gateway with MHS comes complete with a copy of Novell's NetWare MHS which is installed on the LANstep network along with the Mail Gateway. "In the world of diverse systems, it's important that people can communicate through electronic mail," said Carey Heckman, Director of Messaging Products Marketing for Novell. "Novell is pleased that an industry leader like Hayes has chosen NetWare MHS as their solution for E-mail connectivity. NetWare MHS provides a solid link between Hayes LANstep, NetWare, and other network environments . " LANstep automatically provides conversion between LANstep Mail and MHS formats as needed. LANstep Mail Gateway with MHS debuts at NetWorld Boston and will be available late first quarter for US$395 or CA$465. SECOND QUARTER 1992 LANstep Version 2.0 LANstep Version 2.0, coming second quarter, features the following enhancements: ù Faster installation with the option to bypass repartitioning of the disk when setting up shared disk drives ù Multiprotocol capability to allow LANstep connectivity with NetWare, TCP/IP, and other networks simultaneously from the same PC using a single network interface card ù New security features including login/logout auditing ù Full support of standard mode Windows operation on all workstation types ù Additional language support including French, German and Spanish ù Enhanced Developer Kit with new APIs for LANstep's powerful multitasking and distributed processing capabilities Later in the year, Hayes will take advantage of EGA/VGA displays by adding GUI (Graphical User Interface) options to the LANstep interface. THIRD QUARTER 1992 LANstep Remote Workstation LANstep Remote Workstation allows a remote computer to become a node on a LANstep network. An asynchronous connection (i.e. over a modem) extends the network cable to the remote user. LANstep Remote Workstation takes advantage of selective data filtering and data compression to provide fast, efficient operation. Because remote users are connected as actual nodes on the LANstep network, operation is fully transparent. The remote PC operates as if it were a locally attached workstation. In addition, a dedicated workstation is not needed on the local LAN for each remote user, as would be required by other "remote control" solutions. All workstations on the LANstep network remain available for local use, even if they are being used as the connection point for one or more remote workstations. LANstep Remote Workstation will be available third quarter. LANstep Mac Connection LANstep Mac Connection, also available third quarter, allows Macintosh computers to become clients on a LANstep network. From a Macintosh, users can access LANstep file and printer services using the Macintosh "Chooser" interface (e.g. a Macintosh user can select a shared LANstep file service just as though it were an AppleShare server). No special software is required for the Macintosh. FOURTH QUARTER 1992 LANstep Network Gateway The LANstep Network Gateway provides seamless connections between two or more LANstep networks for any LANstep network service such as file sharing, printer sharing, E-mail, and network management. LANstep Network Gateway, available fourth quarter, supports either wide area (dial-up) or local area (backbone) links. Networks of virtually unlimited size can be created by connecting multiple LANstep networks using LANstep Network Gateways. Because the LANstep architecture allows all services to be easily imported and exported across multiple networks, centralized management of large, multi-site networks is easily achieved. Applications consultants and technical support engineers for the LANstep product line are available through Hayes Customer Service in the U.S., Canada, Europe and Asia. In addition, the Hayes Bulletin Board System is available 24 hours a day at 404/HI MODEM or 800/US HAYES for technical support. Best known as the leader in microcomputer modems, Hayes develops, supplies and supports computer communications equipment and software for personal computer and computer communications networks. The company distributes its products through an international network of authorized distributors, dealers, mass merchants, and original equipment manufacturers. Hayes Microcomputer Products Inc PO Box 105203, Atlanta, GA 30348 404-441-1617 +---------------------------------------------------------------+ | From the America On-Line & PC-Link New Product Info Services | +===============================================================+ | This information was processed with OmniPage Professional OCR | | software (from Caere Corp) & a Canon IX-30 scanner from data | | provided by the above mentioned company. For additional info, | | contact the company at the address or phone# indicated above. | | All submissions for this service should be addressed to | | BAKER ENTERPRISES, 20 Ferro Drive, Sewell, NJ 08080 U.S.A. | +---------------------------------------------------------------+